3 2 1 data backup
3 2 1 data backup

3 2 1 data backup
  1. #3 2 1 DATA BACKUP HOW TO#

Multiple considerations can and should be made in specifying backup configurations. In addition to fine-tuning the number of backups, the rule allows for a wide assortment of the type of backups within an organisation’s determined strategy, considering intended media types, locations, etc. Along with its seeming simplicity, another benefit to this rule is its allowance for fine-tuning. One additional benefit of using the 3-2-1 rule is the ability to perform certain data analytics functions on the data copies (the data stored in backup or disaster recovery infrastructure) rather than on the original data. Others may have more unique requirements, but the 3-2-1 rule is as good a place to start as any. Some may split the data between one or more production, backup (possibly using an alternative media), and disaster recovery sets (potentially offsite). However, many organisations mandate more than three copies of managed data. The 3-2-1 rule should be considered a baseline.

3 2 1 data backup

In addition, today’s data storage concerns range well past the amount of drive capacity to include how a selected solution will handle multiple security and failover contingencies. Today’s data storage options include hard drives that can handle up to 18 terabytes and multiple cloud-based solutions. Times have certainly changed, and along with them, the available technology. Krogh formulated his rule almost two decades ago, at a time when his available personal storage options included hard drives with a 30 gigabyte capacity and compact disc backups.

  • 1 Copy Offsite – Keep one copy offsite to prevent the possibility of data loss due to a site-specific failure.
  • It’s your decision as to which storage medium will contain the original data and which will contain any of the additional copies. This can help reduce any impact that may be attributable to one specific storage media type.

    3 2 1 data backup

    2 Different Media – Use two different media types for storage.3 Copies of Data – Maintain three copies of data - the original, and at least two copies.The 3-2-1 rule, attributed to photographer Peter Krogh, follows these requirements:


    Considering this, some may find it interesting that one of the most popular data backup strategies originated from a creative professional - a photographer who formulated a rule by querying IT professionals - rather than from an IT company or standards organisation, as one might have expected.

    #3 2 1 DATA BACKUP HOW TO#

    There are numerous hardware and software options to choose from, and a myriad of suggested policies and procedures describing how to use them. However, determining an organisation’s best backup strategy might not be as easy. Justifying the need for data backup within any enterprise today should be a simple task.

    3 2 1 data backup