One in heart and spirit, unified in mission and cause-to glorify the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to build His Church, and to serve His Church with the new song.

Though separated by oceans and borders the mandate of Hillsong Worship continues under these same skies. VERSE 1: My life is a prodigal story Saved out of the enemy’s plans for me I’m home in the house of God My life is a rescue story. Song Lyrics - I search for You God of strength I bow to You In my brokenness And no other king could have so humbly come To save my soul and heal my heart. It is under these same skies that Christ’s church, His body on earth, exists today. I search for You God of strengthI bow to You in my brokennessAnd no other King could have so humbly comeTo save my soul and heal my heartI have nothing more. Words and Music by Joshua Grimmett & Reuben Morgan. Whether in the northern or southern hemisphere, these same skies unite us, all of God’s children, as many as the stars in the sky, just as the Lord promised Abraham. Each additional print is 3.

"Freedom" from Hillsong Worship’s live album "These Same Skies", led by Reuben Morgan In Your Freedom By Hillsong - Digital Sheet Music Price: 5.79 Includes 1 print + interactive copy. Please enter your name, your email and your question regarding the product in the fields below, and well answer you in the next 24-48 hours.